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Thursday, April 30, 2009

Grandma's 75th Birthday

Friday April 24th was my Grandma's 75th Birthday. It was the start of my Crazy Weekend. It was also the start of the Stomache flu. My family went to Bucca's one of my favorite restraunts. We sat at the creepy pope table. I watched them all eat some yummy food. When I am better I so want to go there. It was really nice. My brother and Alia and the kids came down from Minnesota and my Uncle Walter flew in from Switzerland to celebrate.

The kids are growing so fast and are so adorable. The things they think of always amaze me.

Here is my Dad and Uncle Walter showing brotherly torcher.

Here is my Grandma and me.

This is the scary pope table if you have never seen it. He is on a turntable and so when you are passing the food around he follows you. Creepy.

Here is my Grandparents and their boys.

Here is my niece Grace wearing Grandpa's Glasses. I think I get a picture like this everytime we see them. :)

This is my Grandma and my Brother. Mike.

Grandma and Uncle Walter after looking at the naked angels making pasta sauce on the ceiling. Just weird.

This was at Bucca's Sam had 3 small slices of red velvet cake. Nothing like a little red dye.

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