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Monday, June 21, 2010

Random Pictures and Updates

I can not believe it has been a little over a month since my last post. Time sure does fly by in a hurry, especially when all I do is write papers for school.

It was brought to my attention that my blog is always a little depressing because something is always going wrong with the house. I guess I knew that was going to be the case when I title it the saga.

Our house is just a lot of craziness. So why not let the fun continue.
We just removed the shingle on the roof and we're worried that there was 3 or 4 layers which was true in some areas. The top half only had two and the bottom had 5. Some layers of the shingles were painted(never heard of that before) and that was the worse of it. Until... Rich was kind enough to come help us with the roof and two weekends ago ended up in the E.R with 12 stitches in his finger.( I feel so bad) Becky and I were at the grocery store with Gaven, when Gabe called Becky to say "what hospital should I take Rich to?" what... not he cut himself just we need to go now. Such a guy thing.

We also start to tear off the wood siding and when doing so found 100's of carpenter aunts and their larva(puppa... not sure how spelt). It was gross and cool at the same time. I actually felt bad killing all of them because they were working so hard on saving the larva. But I did not want them finding a new home (the house).

Some cool things about our house and crazy things are our tree. We have a really unique tree called a tulip tree, it is part of the magnolia family and has these beautiful flowers that bloom for about a week and then turn into some crazy looking pods.

We are also having a mushroom issue and found this one in the front yard, it had a really bad odor to it and was seeping goo.

On the plus side. After Maggie Mae passed away we took my mom to get a new puppy who could be a companion for Maxie and for my mom. Right now she is TROUBLE but was and is so darn cute. Here she is when we first brought her home from Indiana at 7 weeks.
Maggie aka mini Maggie
And here she is at 12 weeks.
And of course I can not forget about my girls. They seem to cuddle a lot more now that Josie is getting payback from Maggie. Maggie will take Josie by her ear or her fur and not let go. And now that she is bigger she just climbs on top of her and sits down. It is pretty funny.