Lilpie Maternity tickers

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Friday, January 1, 2010

2nd annual cookie exchange

The first weekend in December Jenni, Julie, Christine and I got together to do our second annual cookie exchange. It is a fun a different way to do a cookie exchange which we love. I bring the fondue and then we all bring our dough and bake together. It is a great time and a new fun tradition. I wish all the girls could have been there. Hopefully next year:)

What was really great was having to expecting moms.

Here's Christine with her tiny belly. 3 more months and her precious little girl will be here.

Jenni and Julie rolling pecan clusters waiting to eat.

We were all wiped out after the baking and really full. Jenni is 8 months pregnant in this picture.
I had a great time and cannot wait till next year.
Thanks Jenni for sharing your kitchen again :)

Thanks Giving 2009

Like every Thanks Giving we celebrated at my Parents house. And every other year Mike, Alia, Sam and Grace come to visit. Also Rich, Becky and Gaven came this year to celebrate. I love when everyone is together. Grace is getting so big and is so adorable. She loves Grandma's piano and loves toto's so we spent the weekend listening to her version of twinkle little stars and were told to say "bravo" per Gracie everytime she was done.

Sam got to play with my Wii and was great at boxing.

Here is Gaven Watching Grandma Luessi cooking away. He also got to try Sweetpotatoes for the first time.

Here is Gracie, Becky and Gaven chillen after dinner.
Thanks Giving was a blast, it was truely pie mania I took off an extra day just to back the pies. I hope everyone else had a great Thanks giving too.

Bonnies Bday

In the middle of November we had Gabe's family over to celebrate his moms birthday. I love having them over because I get to have a big meal for the family. My feet just hate me afterwards.

I think this is an sweet picture of Gabe and Bonnie.

Luna really like's the puppies and they love her. Here she is with Josie

And of course we can not leave Zoe out.

I also love this picture. Three generations of Ramons
This picture I also love, we are just missing Benito and it would make this picture complete.
We had a great time with the family and can't wait for the next bday :)

Josie loves Grandpa Rey as soon as he comes over she is in his arms. (Spoiled rotten)

Happy Bday Bonnie!