Lilpie Maternity tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Maternity tickers

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Charlie or Sophia

Gabe and I decided that I would take the QUAD test... for those of you that do not know what this is I will explain.

The QUAD test is a blood draw that looks for four different levels in my blood for me and the baby. It is used to screen for the possibility of spinabifita and genetic issues such as down syndrome. I had this done on last Thursday because I was between the time frame of when they can do the test which is between 15 and 20 weeks. I received a call Tuesday morning from my Dr saying they found a slight chance that Baby R might have down syndrome so she wanted me to go see a specialist.

So yesterday Gabe and I went to see the specialist to find out what in the world was going on. Talk about my emotions going crazy(hormones I tell ya). We first saw a counselor who asked us questions about our genetic history(neither of us have any genetic issues in our families). Then she started to explain how important the timing is on the test. If it is to early then it maybe a faulty test so the first thing they want to do is an ultrasound to see how far along I really am. Then we could go from there.

We spent an hour getting the ultrasound before talking to the Dr. It was funny to watch Baby R because Baby R kept covering it's face. Like it was playing peek-a-boo. Baby R also has a mind of it's own and would stretch it's foot out all the way (Gabe was happy to see Baby R did not have my crooked toe :).

What we learned was my due date is April 6Th the test was done too early. I am not out of the clear yet I have to take another quad test on Tuesday next week. We will hopefully find some news out soon. One thing we did find out is if Baby R is a Charlie or a Sophia which was pretty amazing.

Seeing Baby R in 3 D was cool too... here are some of the pictures.

What we learned yesterday was not much other than Charlie has a mind of his own and I am now due on April 6, 2012. I will update again once we get the results on how Charlie is doing next week.

That's right we are having a Charlie!!!!