Lilpie Maternity tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Maternity tickers

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Dog Watching!

Maxie always sleeps with her mouth open. I could not resist this picture.
My Parents went to Florida for a week so we got the girls. I have to say it was great having them but I missed having sleep.

Gabe did a lot of shoveling and the girls helped by eating a lot of snow! They also brought in a lot of snow.

Maggie found her spot on the love seat and Maxie was in competition with Zoe for the couch and cuddle time with us.

The plumbing issues continue!

Well the Tuesday after Gabe's Birthday our Saga continues. I went down stairs after doing a load of laundry thinking maybe the water over flowed but I was wrong, in less then two hours our sewer backed up this far. I had to call Gabe to help move all our unpacked boxes and tools before everything was destroyed. But after a call to the plumber and a nice size bill water problem number 3 is fixed. (I hope that's it!)

After the plumber came it ended up being a wad of paper 20 ft down in the pipe and at 44 ft roots. Anyone know someone that wants some wood and remove some trees :)