Lilpie Maternity tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Maternity tickers

Thursday, November 20, 2008


Zoe, Maxie and Maggie have been somewhat neglected by us with all of this house work and they have pretty much had enough. Zoe has turned into a lap dog that curls her paw around our armas and locks us in place. She also will nodge me or give me a dirty look when I am on the computer. How can I resist this cute face

Maxie and Zoe during a big storm. Big chickens.

Zoe, knows were leaving again. Which I lost another pair of shoes. (Only mine)

Maggie May poutting because I would not give her, her favorite treat.


Michelle said...

Do you remember the storms we had the night before your wedding? I spent that night at my parents' house because they had Andrew. Anyhow- their dog, Macy, was terrified of the storm, so I let her sleep with me. A week later, we had to put her down, so I was really glad to have that last snuggle time with her.

Nicole and Nils said...

Aw look at those adorable pups! I just want to squeeze them!