Lilpie Maternity tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Maternity tickers

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Wow I was looking at my last blog and realized I have a lot of catching up to do.

Since the tree was cut down, Gabe's dad came over with my dad and were going to remove the bottom cabinets to and put new tile in, from that it went to the top cabinets becuase there was no insulation in the walls to, no cabinets, no drywall, never any insulation to new electric.(Thanks Rich) oh to tearing out a wall, closing up a door, and adding a breakfast bar.

It all sounds like it will be great but man what were we thinking. Well this all started in the middle of August. And this is our old Kitchen being demoed! Only one injury, which was my dad and thank fully he did not pass out. (we have weak stomaches) I walked to the grocery store and am fully supplied with, bandaids, gauze, medical tape and lots of neosporine for the next oops!

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