Lilpie Maternity tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Maternity tickers

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

So now back to the fun of the house. The blue prints are done, we try to get the permit and it is not going to fly we needed way more info. But it worked out because we could not move the stairs. There is an extra brick wall in the basement. Must have been an addition along time ago. So, no permit, no stairs but we can still remove a wall and close up a door. We finally got the permit(oops). We had to do more demoing which was actually a lot of fun. Rich and Becky came to help again. Thanks Guys.

Becky knocked out the side wall with all the tile, it was insane she had it done in like 10 minutes.
Gabe pulled down the Saufet and two feet of the ceiling with all the insulation came with him.
I did the wall with tile that we could not go through the other side or we would have been in the living room.
Rich did everything else.
And my dad built the layout for the breakfast bar and closed up the side door. So stylish! HEHE

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