Lilpie Maternity tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Maternity tickers

Monday, June 21, 2010

Random Pictures and Updates

I can not believe it has been a little over a month since my last post. Time sure does fly by in a hurry, especially when all I do is write papers for school.

It was brought to my attention that my blog is always a little depressing because something is always going wrong with the house. I guess I knew that was going to be the case when I title it the saga.

Our house is just a lot of craziness. So why not let the fun continue.
We just removed the shingle on the roof and we're worried that there was 3 or 4 layers which was true in some areas. The top half only had two and the bottom had 5. Some layers of the shingles were painted(never heard of that before) and that was the worse of it. Until... Rich was kind enough to come help us with the roof and two weekends ago ended up in the E.R with 12 stitches in his finger.( I feel so bad) Becky and I were at the grocery store with Gaven, when Gabe called Becky to say "what hospital should I take Rich to?" what... not he cut himself just we need to go now. Such a guy thing.

We also start to tear off the wood siding and when doing so found 100's of carpenter aunts and their larva(puppa... not sure how spelt). It was gross and cool at the same time. I actually felt bad killing all of them because they were working so hard on saving the larva. But I did not want them finding a new home (the house).

Some cool things about our house and crazy things are our tree. We have a really unique tree called a tulip tree, it is part of the magnolia family and has these beautiful flowers that bloom for about a week and then turn into some crazy looking pods.

We are also having a mushroom issue and found this one in the front yard, it had a really bad odor to it and was seeping goo.

On the plus side. After Maggie Mae passed away we took my mom to get a new puppy who could be a companion for Maxie and for my mom. Right now she is TROUBLE but was and is so darn cute. Here she is when we first brought her home from Indiana at 7 weeks.
Maggie aka mini Maggie
And here she is at 12 weeks.
And of course I can not forget about my girls. They seem to cuddle a lot more now that Josie is getting payback from Maggie. Maggie will take Josie by her ear or her fur and not let go. And now that she is bigger she just climbs on top of her and sits down. It is pretty funny.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Maggie Mae May 13, 2000 to May 5, 2010

To my Dear Maggie Mae,

I remember they day Mom and I drove to portage and brought you home. We new we would be in trouble for getting you with out telling Dad but I did not know that you would win over his heart as well as so many others.

You brought so much joy and gave us so many happy memories. You were so selfless and such a giant gentle soul You will truely be missed.



Maggie Mae became our gaurdian angel on Wednesday May 5, 2010 at 2:45 in the afternoon. It was so unexpected and my heart is breaking so. There will never be another Maggie Mae.

Maggie brought so much joy to our lives and was always the protectur.

If she did not trust someone she would always stand in the middle. I remember when I was training Zoe and I had to dominate her, as I was leaning over her Maggie did not like it so she pushed me over pinned me and started kissing me and hugging me.

She new when I was sad and she was always by my side.

She chose my mom and was always near but if my mom was gone then she chose Gabe. If I would try to lay by Gabe she would push her way to the middle and huff and moan at me, that was her man.

I have so many fond memories but her are some pictures that will always bring a smile and a giggle to me and my family.

One day mom had some furniture delivery people in the house so she locked, Mags in the bedroom, Maggie Mae stuck her head through the cat door because she wanted to be near mom.

When she did not want to walk anymore she would sit down and we would have to call for someone to come with a car and pick her up on the walks.
Here's Gracie waiting for her to move to go for a walk.

Maggie was inseperable from Maxie and Zoe. When she would come to stay with us she would take turns with Maxie on the couch with Zoe.

Maggie loved to lie in the snow and eat it.

Maggie you are a wonderful friend and I will love you forever and miss you deeply.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Guinnea Pigs

Yes I did say Guinnea Pigs. I did a taste run on making a turkey so that when Gabe's family came for Christmas I would not screw it up. We had some gracious volunteer come over a taste test my 23lb turkey, homemade (secret) stuffing that has been paced down now to the third generation. (yeah, thats me). I also did the hole thanks giving fixings, including home made cranberry sauce and a cheesecake.
We had a blast the only negative is my feet were killing me.
It was also an exciting night because Julie asked Heidi to stand up in their wedding. It was great to be a part of that.

Here's Heidi opening the box, it had a cute little glass blue bird in it with a poem asking her to be a bridesmaid and Julie and David the future bride and groom.

Here's all my Guinea pigs. They all survived so I guess it turned out. I was so nervous and stressed out, that it was not going to turn out that I tossed and turned the hole night before. But everyone survived so I did good :)

Thanks everyone for being supportive taste testers:)

Friday, January 1, 2010

2nd annual cookie exchange

The first weekend in December Jenni, Julie, Christine and I got together to do our second annual cookie exchange. It is a fun a different way to do a cookie exchange which we love. I bring the fondue and then we all bring our dough and bake together. It is a great time and a new fun tradition. I wish all the girls could have been there. Hopefully next year:)

What was really great was having to expecting moms.

Here's Christine with her tiny belly. 3 more months and her precious little girl will be here.

Jenni and Julie rolling pecan clusters waiting to eat.

We were all wiped out after the baking and really full. Jenni is 8 months pregnant in this picture.
I had a great time and cannot wait till next year.
Thanks Jenni for sharing your kitchen again :)

Thanks Giving 2009

Like every Thanks Giving we celebrated at my Parents house. And every other year Mike, Alia, Sam and Grace come to visit. Also Rich, Becky and Gaven came this year to celebrate. I love when everyone is together. Grace is getting so big and is so adorable. She loves Grandma's piano and loves toto's so we spent the weekend listening to her version of twinkle little stars and were told to say "bravo" per Gracie everytime she was done.

Sam got to play with my Wii and was great at boxing.

Here is Gaven Watching Grandma Luessi cooking away. He also got to try Sweetpotatoes for the first time.

Here is Gracie, Becky and Gaven chillen after dinner.
Thanks Giving was a blast, it was truely pie mania I took off an extra day just to back the pies. I hope everyone else had a great Thanks giving too.

Bonnies Bday

In the middle of November we had Gabe's family over to celebrate his moms birthday. I love having them over because I get to have a big meal for the family. My feet just hate me afterwards.

I think this is an sweet picture of Gabe and Bonnie.

Luna really like's the puppies and they love her. Here she is with Josie

And of course we can not leave Zoe out.

I also love this picture. Three generations of Ramons
This picture I also love, we are just missing Benito and it would make this picture complete.
We had a great time with the family and can't wait for the next bday :)

Josie loves Grandpa Rey as soon as he comes over she is in his arms. (Spoiled rotten)

Happy Bday Bonnie!